QRZ-Прикарпаття » Новини » Диплом-"Samuel F. B. Morse Award"

Диплом-"Samuel F. B. Morse Award"

Опублікував на сайті uw8sm від 15.04.2016, 23:37
 (голосів: 2)


На честь 225-ї річниці з дня народження  Самуеля Морзе, венгерські радіоаматори проводять дні активності та

видають диплом-"Samuel F. B. Morse Award".


Samuel F. B. Morse Award 

Amateur radio activity in memory of Samuel Morse, born 225 years ago


The MRASZ – Hungarian Radio Amateur Society – would like to commemorate the 225th anniversary of the birth of Samuel Morse, the creator of the Morse alphabet.


Between 14th April, 00:00Z and 27th April, 24:00Z special callsigns will be active on the bands and stations who meet the required conditions, can obtain a downloadable diploma.


To obtain the award you should collect enough letters to complete the name of SAMUEL MORSE depending on your QSOs with special stations. As some letters occur twice, there’s a “joker” station with the call HG225MSE, which can be used to replace the stations containing the second M, S, E letters. It’s enough to work with this station only once.


CW, SSB, digital modes can be used and mixed is also accepted.


The confirmed QSOs will be added to the log designed for this purpose on the MRASZ webpage (http://www.mrasz.org) each day, where visitors can check their contacts made with special stations.


These vanity calls are registered on the QRZ.com page. To avoid the potential inaccuracies, established QSOs will be uploaded to eQSL after the 27th of April.


We do not ask for paper cards since the verification of contacts will be done through LoTW and eQSL. If you needed a paper card, you can only get via direct, with a stamped SAE (self-addressed envelope) not later than 31st of October, 2016! We do not answer cards sent through bureau.


Active calls: HG225MSE, HG225S, HG225A, HG225M, HG225U, HG225E, HG225L, HG225O, HG225R

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